Masks work.

The virus is not seasonal—it is a relentless pulse. Wave after wave crashes through the global population inflicting disease, disability and death. As one wave subsides, evolutionary pressures birth the fittest variation to power the next.

Vaccines exist but are not sterilizing. They do not prevent spread or contraction. The probability of death is reduced but not disease and disability.

After an infection, natural immunity may follow to help with the next infection to reduce disease and death but not disability. Repeated infections are common. Multiple variants spread in parallel and overlapping, sequential infections from differing variants are possible. Herd immunity is not applicable in the context of a virus that is evolving so quickly.

The perceived burden of disease during the acute phase of infection commonly mirrors influenza. To some it is far worse—up to and including hospitalization and death. Some experience little to nothing.

Post-acute sequelae is poorly understood but widely and increasingly suffered. Every infection, regardless of infection and/or vaccination history, includes the possibility of lasting and likely permanent damage to any and every system and organ in the human body. Damage from each infection compounds. There are zero clinical treatments.

The best way to avoid harm caused by the virus is to not get the virus.

Physically avoid the virus.

The virus is airborne.

Avoid breathing in air that contains the virus.

Infected individuals exhale the virus. The virus hangs like smoke in the air. It lingers in poorly ventilated spaces. It thrives in environments with higher concentrations of carbon dioxide. Humans exhale carbon dioxide. An empty room that was previously occupied will contain air that was exhaled for some period of time. There is no practical way to quickly detect the virus in an arbitrary volume of air.

Outside is naturally well ventilated but moving through crowds or close interactions can result in exposure to exhalation from others. Even those that appear not to be ill or truthfully claim to be well can be asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic and exhaling the virus.

Physical distance can be maximized but exposure in the context of the world at present is inevitable.

The most effective, portable, practical way to remove virus from the air before it is inhaled is to filter it using a well-fitted, sealing high quality respirator or mask.

Not all masks are created equal, but any mask is better than no mask. Wearing a mask sometimes is better than never wearing a mask.

Wear a mask.